Råd angående nyförvärv

20/7 -07

jag har köpt en Angraecum sesquipedale, en Paphiopedilum liemianum och en Cirrhopetalum picturatum nyligen. Jag har pluggat på en del (från nätet) så jag vet till en del om vad dessa arter vill ha för skötsel, men det skulle kännas bra att få lite direkt-info om skötsel, tipps om det är något speciellt man skall tänka på etc.

Nyckelord: Cirrhopetalum picturatum, Angraecum sesquipedale, Paphiopedilum liemianum

20/7 -07

Angraecum sesquipedale:
Varmt, fuktigt, halvskugga, odlas med fördel i semihydro eftersom den vill ha en jämn tillgång på vatten.

Paphiopedilum liemianum:
20-22grader med en liten temperatursänkning på natten (blir oftast automatiskt ändå), jorden ska vara fuktig aldrig våt med en lätt upptorkning mellan vattningarna. Denna art vill gärna ha lite kalksten i jorden. vilket INTE är generellt för släktet.

Den sista arten har jag aldrig haft så den har jag inga konkreta odlingsråd för. Kanske någon annan har?

21/7 -07

Jag tackar hjärtligast.

21/7 -07

Hej Mikael

Här kommer lite om Angraecum sesquipedale på Engelska.

Angraecum is a genus of about 200 species that are from the tropical regions of Africa, Madagascar and surrounding tropical islands, and Sri Lanka. Angraecum sesquipedale is primarily from Madagascar and grows in the warmer, tropical, lowland forests of this mini continent.

In 1850, in Madagascar, Charles Darwin discovered an orchid with white and waxy petals, Angraecum sesquipedale, with a 16 inch spur. At the base of this tube is a sweet liquid. Darwin surmised that this nectar was clearly destined for the orchid's pollinator and maintained that there must be an insect in the Madagascan forest with a 16 inch proboscis, and in addition, it must be nocturnal because the Angraecum is fragrant only at night. Fifty years later, after Darwin suffered much ridicule, such an insect was discovered--Xanthopan morgani predicta (hawk-moth). It has a strange coil on the front of its head. Attracted by the smell, the moth is drawn to the orchid and the strange coil is unfurled to a length of precisely 16 inches, an exact match to the spur of the Angraecum sesquipedale. A perfect example of Creative genius.

Angraecum sesquipdale is a monopodial epiphyte. Lacking pseudobulbs, its leaves are positioned in a fan shape. It is a medium sized plant, reaching 3 feet when mature. The nightly fragrant flowers are characteristic of the genus in that they have the long spur, a tube which encircles the base of the column. At the base of the spur rests the moth-attracting nectar. The blossoms are white or greenish white and are often up to 4 inches across. The species blooms December through February.

This is an easy plant to grow on a windowsill or under lights. It needs some shade and should not be subjected to any direct sun. An east or west window with a sheer curtain is ideal. Provide adequate ventilation.

They should be grown in intermediate conditions with day temperatures in the 70 - 80 F range and nights between 60 - 68 F. They will appreciate a short cool period after flowering, but no definite rest period.

Provide 60% humidity and keep the medium evenly moist. Water freely in the summer and less often in cooler periods, especially after flowering.

Feed with a very weak 1/4 strength balanced fertilized weekly during the summer. Decrease feeding frequency after growth matures.

These plants do well grown in baskets or pots of bark. Other mediums include osmunda and sphagnum moss. Use plastic pots with adequate drainage holes. Repot in the spring.

En egen reflektion är att denna art är mycket känslig för störningar i rötterna. Så ta det försigtigt när du ska plantera om.


21/7 -07

Tack för hjälpen!

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