Problem med plantor

Från wienerbröd.

18/10 -15

Hej community!
Who has an idea: some of my masdevallia have weird leaf behaviour - they're getting dark tips, and decay very, very slowly from the top (time scale = months!). Is this normal for some masdevallia (none of my other orchids do that), or is at an illness? Other orchid leaves decay rather quickly once they start turning yellow/brown in one place.
Tack för hjälpen!

Nyckelord: bruna bladtoppar, Masdevallia, skadade blad

18/10 -15

övergödning skulle det kunna vara

18/10 -15

Håller med, skulle kunna vara, typiskt just på bladspetsar

18/10 -15

Brukar hos de få Masdevallia jag har bli omedelbar reaktion med bladfällning om jag gödslar det minsta, helt gröna och fina men går av i fästet, så det har jag slutat helt med. Kan det vara saltuppbyggnad i ditt substrat som sakta tar död på dem?

20/10 -15

Tack för hjälpen!
Jag gödslar inte alls, men det kan väl vara att de får för mycket näring/salt. I have them in pots with rather lots of orchid soil which might also be too densely packed - I could imagine that once the bark starts decomposing rather vigorously that harms the roots! I will replant them in pots with less and airier substrate and see if that helps.
Many thanks again guys!

20/10 -15

What kind of water do you use. Some water, even municipality water can have lots of dissolved salts and high hardness. Masdevallia prefers water with very little salts, preferably rain water.

20/10 -15

Good hint! I use the tap water (Munich) for watering them once a week, and Munich tap water IS in fact very hard (2,82 mmol/l or 15,8 dH), although I spray them daily with decalcified water. About the salts I'm not sure if our tap water is rich in them ( I'll try switching all watering to decalc to begin with, thanks for the tip!

20/10 -15

That hard water alone is a killer to most orchids but for those loving calcium. I would stop using it to the Masdevallia immediatly.

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